
I am an ambulatory equine veterinarian with an interest in diagnostic imaging and equine dentistry, I am also passionate about Eventing.


Learn more about me and my achievements and awards.


A list of articles written by for academic and other publications.

Blog Posts

Some insights into the life of an ambulatory equine veterinarian.

Blog Posts

Blog entries about the life of an equine veterinarian

Removal of a high flanker

This morning started with a high flanker castration – an incompletely descended testicle, that either is just outside the inguinal canal or moves freely in and out of the inguinal canal. Testes normally begin to Read more…

A fracture of 108

Horses have amazingly high pain thresholds and can cope with severe problems often showing little signs. This horse presented for resisting the bit more than usual when jumping. Luckily he has great owners that knew Read more…



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